About Parent Ink

Dear reader,

Wherever you're at in your parenting journey, Parent Ink is for you.

My husband and I had two miscarriages before our daughter and our son were born. 

I remember some time after the D&C in 2017, my husband said parenthood is a “journey,” and he was right. There are so many feelings to feel, so many thoughts to think, so many decisions to make. 

That’s why Parent Ink talks about four main categories: 

  • pre-pregnancy

  • pregnancy loss

  • pregnancy

  • parenting

For now, all articles on Parent Ink focus on miscarriages and pregnancy. More articles with parenting tips and about pregnancy will come.

I hope that Parent Ink is a place where you can find helpful information and support for you and your family. This is a community, so you’re welcome to ask questions and respectfully share your thoughts, feelings and experiences with others too.

Here’s wishing you and your family well!


About Me

Hi! My name is Marisa. I live with my husband and our daughter and our son in our home in Canada, close to some of our family and friends.

Before our daughter and our son were born, my husband and I experienced two miscarriages. When I came out of a D&C after our first miscarriage, I vowed to help others who go through what we went through. 

That led me to sharing our story with loved ones and strangers, posting on Instagram and online parenting forums, and, now, to Parent Ink.

The idea for this online magazine came from my husband. It feels like a special way to write about our family, to help other parents and to involve my love of writing.

After our daughter and our son were born, I wanted to stay home with our kids so I started working from home part-time as a freelance writer, editor, content manager and translator while working on my novels. 

In addition to spending time with our family and loved ones, my favourite things to do include writing, reading, going on nature walks, cooking, eating, drinking tea and doing yoga.

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I'm currently working part-time as a writer and editor while editing my YA novel In Your Dreams. In addition to writing, I love reading, cooking, doing yoga, going on nature walks and especially spending time with my loved ones.